
The lack of affordable housing has been a persistent challenge in Ireland, with many individuals and families finding it increasingly difficult to enter the property market. Recognizing the urgent need to address this issue, the Irish government introduced the Affordable Housing Scheme. This comprehensive initiative aims to make homeownership more accessible and affordable for low to moderate-income households across the country. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of the Affordable Housing Scheme, exploring its objectives, eligibility criteria, and the various supports available to potential homebuyers.

Objective of the Affordable Housing Scheme:

The primary objective of the Affordable Housing Scheme is to provide a viable pathway to homeownership for individuals and families who would otherwise struggle to secure suitable and affordable housing. By implementing this scheme, the government aims to create a fairer and more inclusive housing market, fostering social stability and economic growth.

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the Affordable Housing Scheme, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. These criteria typically consider income thresholds, residency status, and other relevant factors. The scheme primarily targets individuals and families with modest incomes who are unable to purchase a home on the open market. While the specific criteria may vary, the overarching goal is to ensure that those most in need of affordable housing are given priority.

Types of Affordable Housing:

Under the scheme, several types of affordable housing options are made available to eligible applicants. These include affordable purchase schemes, cost rental schemes, and shared ownership arrangements.

  1. Affordable Purchase Schemes: Affordable purchase schemes allow eligible buyers to purchase a home at a below-market rate. This is achieved through a combination of reduced sale prices, shared equity, or low-interest mortgages. The scheme ensures that a portion of the property’s value is retained by the state, keeping it affordable for future purchasers.
  2. Cost Rental Schemes: Cost rental schemes provide another avenue for affordable housing. Under this scheme, eligible applicants can rent a property at a cost that is significantly below market rates. The objective is to provide stable and affordable rental options to individuals and families who may not yet be ready to purchase a home.
  3. Shared Ownership: Shared ownership schemes enable eligible applicants to purchase a portion of a property while the remaining portion is owned by a housing provider or the state. This arrangement reduces the upfront cost for buyers, making homeownership more attainable. Over time, buyers can gradually increase their ownership share, eventually owning the property outright.

Supports and Financial Assistance:

To further assist potential homebuyers, the Affordable Housing Scheme provides various supports and financial assistance. These measures are designed to bridge the affordability gap and help applicants overcome the initial hurdles of homeownership.

  1. Home Loan Scheme: The government’s Home Loan Scheme offers affordable mortgages with competitive interest rates to eligible buyers. This scheme provides an opportunity for first-time buyers to secure financing and purchase a home without excessive financial strain.
  2. Help-to-Buy (HTB) Scheme: The HTB Scheme provides a tax refund of up to a certain percentage of the purchase price or the cost of building a new home. This refund can be used as part of the deposit or to reduce the overall mortgage amount, making it easier for eligible buyers to enter the property market.
  3. Local Authority Support: Local authorities play a crucial role in implementing the Affordable Housing Scheme. They are responsible for identifying suitable sites for affordable housing developments and facilitating their construction. Local authorities may also provide additional supports, such as discounted land prices or infrastructure grants, to promote the development of affordable housing in their respective regions.


The Affordable Housing Scheme in Ireland is a significant step towards addressing the housing affordability crisis in the country. By providing a range of options and supports, the scheme aims to make homeownership more attainable for low