Owning a home is a big dream for many people in Ireland. However, rising house prices have made it difficult for some to afford their own place. To help address this issue, the Irish government has introduced the Affordable Purchase Scheme. This program aims to make buying a home more affordable by providing financial assistance and affordable options for those who want to become homeowners. In this article, we will explain what the Affordable Purchase Scheme is, how it works, and how it can help people achieve their homeownership goals.


What is the Affordable Purchase Scheme?


The Affordable Purchase Scheme is a government program that helps people who can’t afford to buy a home in the current expensive housing market. The scheme offers different ways to make buying a home more affordable, such as discounts on the price of the property or financial support.


How Does the Affordable Purchase Scheme Work?


  1. Discounts on Property Prices: The scheme allows eligible applicants to buy a home at a lower price than what it would normally cost. The amount of the discount varies depending on where the property is located and the specific scheme.
  2. Shared Ownership: In some cases, the scheme offers shared ownership options. This means that the buyer purchases a portion of the property, while the remaining part is owned by a housing association or the government. This helps reduce the upfront cost and makes it easier to get into the housing market with a smaller deposit.
  3. Affordable Mortgage Options: The scheme provides access to special mortgages through approved lenders. These mortgages are designed to be affordable for eligible applicants. They may have lower interest rates or longer repayment terms, making the monthly payments more manageable.
  4. Eligibility Based on Income: To qualify for the scheme, applicants need to meet certain income requirements. These requirements ensure that the program benefits those who genuinely need help buying a home. The income limits vary depending on the size of the household and where they live.
  5. Local Authority Assistance: Local authorities are responsible for implementing the Affordable Purchase Scheme. They find suitable properties, evaluate applications, and allocate affordable homes to eligible buyers. This local approach ensures that the program meets the specific housing needs of different areas in Ireland.


Potential Impact and Considerations:


  1. More Opportunities for Homeownership: The Affordable Purchase Scheme provides a valuable opportunity for people who couldn’t afford a home before. By offering discounts and affordable mortgages, the scheme helps individuals and families become homeowners and build long-term financial stability.
  2. Improving Housing Affordability: The scheme contributes to improving housing affordability by offering lower prices and shared ownership options. However, it’s important to understand that the scheme alone may not solve the broader affordability issue. Addressing housing affordability requires a comprehensive approach that includes increasing housing supply, improving rental regulations, and promoting sustainable development.
  3. Limited Availability: The number of affordable homes available through the scheme may be limited due to factors like property availability and funding limitations. This means there may be strong competition among buyers seeking an affordable property.
  4. Long-Term Financial Considerations: While the Affordable Purchase Scheme offers immediate affordability benefits, it’s important to consider long-term financial factors. This includes mortgage repayments, ongoing maintenance costs, and potential restrictions if purchasing a shared ownership property. It’s crucial to plan carefully and seek advice from experts to ensure sustainable homeownership.



The Affordable Purchase Scheme in Ireland provides hope for those who struggle to afford a home. By offering price discounts, affordable mortgages, and shared ownership options, the scheme aims to help more people achieve their dream of homeownership. However, it’s important to understand the scheme’s limitations and consider long-term financial implications. With proper planning and guidance, the Affordable Purchase Scheme can be a stepping stone towards making homeownership a reality for many aspiring homeowners in Ireland.